Jeffrey Nichols |
I am a Research Scientist in the AI/ML group at Apple working on intelligent user interfaces. Previously I was a Staff Research Scientist at Google working on the open source Fuchsia operating system. My most important academic contribution recently, in collaboration with Professor Ranjitha Kumar and her students at UIUC, was the creation of the RICO dataset. In February 2020 I gave a presentation summarizing Rico and the work of others that builds on it at Georgia Tech. Prior to Google, I spent seven and a half years working as a Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Almaden located in San Jose, California. My research at IBM spanned web usage, end-user programming, crowdsourcing, and social media. Much of this work was published and is described in more detail below. I received my Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction from the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My Ph.D. thesis is entitled Automatically Generating High-Quality User Interfaces for Appliances, and was advised by Prof. Brad A. Myers. The focus of my thesis was on the personal universal controller (PUC, pronounced "puck"), a solution for reducing the complexity of the appliance interfaces that we use everyday. See my Projects section for more information. Before going to Pittsburgh, I completed a B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Washington. I worked on several projects while at UW: user interfaces for constraint-based systems with Greg Badros and Prof. Alan Borning, biologically-inspired VLSI and circuit design with Prof. Chris Diorio, and embedded and ubiquitous computing systems with Prof. Gaetano Borriello. For even more information, see the various sections below or my vitae. I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. |
Projects |
Social Media Research From 2010-2014, I spent much of my research effort investigating how to make use of social media content to build interesting systems. This work ultimately led to IBM's Watson Personality Insights service. Along the way, our work led to a variety of papers at CSCW, IUI, and ICWSM. Our earliest work explored the idea of producing textual summaries of events based on social media conversations, with the initial proof-of-concept being built around sports coverage. This was described in a paper at IUI 2012. Later work explored the intersection between crowdsourcing and social media. My qCrowd project was a system for extracting hidden information from social media users by automatically asking questions. One of the initial prototypes of this work was the TSA Tracker (unfortunately, now defunct), which crowdsourced airport security wait times by asking questions of users who have indicated that they are located at an airport via a status update on Twitter. Our initial paper on this work appeared at CSCW 2012, and a follow-on paper exploring answer quality appeared at CSCW 2013. Our paper at IUI 2013 describes a method to recognize the users who are more likely to respond to questions from their social media history. |
I was involved in the CoScripter project, led by Tessa Lau and Allen Cypher, and made use of the system as a base upon which I built a variety of other interactive systems. CoScripter is a system for recording, automating, and sharing processes performed in a web browser such as printing photos online, requesting a vacation hold for postal mail, or checking flight arrival times. Instructions for processes are recorded in human-readable language and stored in a wiki on the CoScripter server, thus making them available to everyone else on the web. Before I left IBM, we open sourced much of CoScripter. It can now be found on GitHub. |
Highlight: Mobilizing Existing Web Sites Highlight allowed end users to create mobile applications from existing web sites and deploy those applications to mobile devices. Highlight's design, which incorporates a fully-functional modern web browser engine as part of its server-side infrastructure, allows existing sites that contain substantial client-side JavaScript or AJAX technology to be modified for use on mobile devices. Our end-user authoring environment, which makes use of programming-by-demonstration techniques, was the subject of a paper at IUI 2008. The server-side infrastructure was the subject of a paper at UIST 2008. Be sure to check out the video. |
The Personal Universal Controller My thesis work at Carnegie Mellon was a part of the Pebbles Project, which is exploring how handhelds and desktops can be used in conjunction. I primarily worked on the personal universal controller, a project that explored the issues that arise when a handheld is used as remote control to manipulate all of the devices in the world around us. Our primary focus was creating a specification language that can define any device and an automatic user interface generator that can create control panels from this specification language. This paper is a good overview of the Pebbles project that discusses my work in some detail. This paper best describes the basics of the PUC system. Our evaluation of the PUC system found that automatically generated interfaces could be better than hand-designed interface in some cases. I extended the PUC with a layer called Uniform that automatically generates remote control interfaces that are consistent with past interfaces that the user has seen. This system works for interfaces generated on both a PocketPC and mobile phone interface. See some screenshots here. An evaluation found that users performed better with the interfaces generated for consistency than with normal interfaces. I also built the Huddle system for automatically creating combined interfaces for systems of multiple appliances. Huddle uses a model of content flow to understand the tasks that users will want to perform with the system of appliances. Based on the model, Huddle creates two kinds of interfaces: a Flow-Based Interface that allows users to accomplish their high-level goals and four kinds of Aggregate User Interfaces that give users task-specific low-level control of the appliances. |
Papers & Talks |
Conference PapersForrest Huang, John F. Canny, Jeffrey Nichols. “Swire: Sketch-based User Interface Retrieval,” In Proceedings of CHI 2019. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. (pdf) Biplab Deka, Zifeng Huang, Chad Franzen, Joshua Hibschman, Daniel Afergan, Yang Li, Jeffrey Nichols, Ranjitha Kumar. "Rico: A Mobile App Dataset for Building Data-Driven Design Applications," In Proceedings of User Interface Software & Technology (UIST'17). Quebec City, Canada. pp. 845-854. (pdf) Biplab Deka, Zifeng Huang, Chad Franzen, Jeffrey Nichols, Yang Li, Ranjitha Kumar. " ZIPT: Zero-Integration Performance Testing of Mobile App Designs," In Proceedings of User Interface Software & Technology (UIST'17). Quebec City, Canada. pp. 727-736. (pdf) Katie O'Leary, Tao Dong, Julia Katherine Haines, Michael Gilbert, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Jeffrey Nichols. "The Moving Context Kit: Designing for Context Shifts in Multi-Device Experiences," In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'17). Edinburgh, Scotland. pp. 309-320. (pdf) Tao Dong, Elizabeth Churchill, Jeffrey Nichols. "Understanding the Challenges of Designing and Developing Multi-Device Experiences," In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'16). Brisbane, Australia. pp. 62-51. (pdf) Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Anbang Xu, Jilin Chen, Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols. "Exploring Engagement in a 'Social Crowd' on Twitter," In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW '16 Companion). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 417-420. (pdf) Richard P. Gabriel, Jilin Chen, Jeffrey Nichols. "InkWell: A Creative Writer's Creative Assistant," In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C '15). Edinburgh, Scotland. pp. 93-102. (pdf) Hernan Badenes, Mateo N. Bengualid, Jilin Chen, Liang Gou, Eben Haber, Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey W. Nichols, Aditya Pal, Jerald Schoudt, Barton A. Smith, Ying Xuan, Huahai Yang, Michelle X. Zhou. "System U: automatically deriving personality traits from social media for people recommendation," In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender systems (RecSys '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 373-374. (pdf) Huiji Gao, Jalal Mahmud, Jilin Chen, Jeffrey Nichols, Michelle Zhou. "Modeling User Attitude toward Controversial Topics in Online Social Media," In Proceedings of the Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2014), Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 2-4, 2014. pp. 121-130. (pdf) N. Sadat Shami, Jeffrey Nichols, Jilin Chen. "Social Media Participation and Performance at Work: A Longitudinal Study," In Proceedings of CHI 2014, Toronto, Canada, April 26-May 1, 2014. pp. 115-118. Honorable Mention Award (pdf) Gary Hsieh, Jilin Chen, Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols. "You Read What You Value: Understanding Personal Values and Reading Interests," In Proceedings of CHI 2014, Toronto, Canada, April 26-May 1, 2014. pp. 983-986. (pdf) Kyumin Lee, Jalal Mahmud, Jilin Chen, Michelle X. Zhou, Jeffrey Nichols. "Who Will Retweet This? Automatically Identifying and Engaging Strangers on Twitter to Spread Information," In Proceedings of IUI 2014, Haifa, Israel, February 24-27, 2014. pp. 247-256 (ACM DL, local pdf) Jilin Chen, Gary Hsieh, Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols. "Understanding Individual's Personal Values from Social Media Word Use," In Proceedings of CSCW 2014, Baltimore, MD, February 15-19, 2014. pp. 405-414 (ACM DL, local pdf) Aditya Pal, Fei Wang, Michelle Zhou, Jeffrey Nichols, Barton A. Smith. "Question Routing to User Communities," In Proceedings of CIKM 2013, San Francisco, CA, October 27-November 1, 2013. pp. 2357-2362 (ACM DL, local pdf) Walter S. Lasecki, Rachel Wesley, Jeffrey Nichols, Anand Kulkarni, James F. Allen, Jeffrey P. Bigham. "Chorus: a crowd-powered conversational assistant," In Proceedings of UIST 2013, St. Andrews, Scotland, October 8-11, 2013. pp. 151-162 (ACM DL, local pdf) Jilin Chen, Allen Cypher, Clemens Drews, Jeffrey Nichols. "CrowdE: Filtering Tweets for Direct Customer Engagements," In Proceedings of ICWSM 2013, Boston, MA, July 8-11, 2013. (pdf) Jalal Mahmud, Jilin Chen, Jeffrey Nichols. "When Will You Answer This? Estimating Response Time in Twitter," In Proceedings of ICWSM 2013, Boston, MA, July 8-11, 2013. (pdf) Jalal Mahmud, Michelle X. Zhou, Nimrod Megiddo, Jeffrey Nichols, Clemens Drews. "Recommending targeted strangers from whom to solicit information on social media," In Proceedings of IUI 2013, Santa Monica, CA, March 19-22, 2013. pp. 37-48. Nominated for Best Paper Award (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Michelle X. Zhou, Huahai Yang, Jeon Hyung Kang, Xiaohua Sun. "Analyzing the Quality of Information Solicited from Targeted Strangers on Social Media," In Proceedings of CSCW 2013, San Antonio, TX, February 23-27, 2013. (pdf) Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols, Clemens Drews. "Where Is This Tweet From? Inferring Home Locations of Twitter Users," in Proceedings of ICWSM 2012 Poster Papers, Dublin, Ireland, June 5-7. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Jalal Mahmud, Clemens Drews. "Summarizing Sporting Events Using Twitter," in Proceedings of IUI 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, February 14-17, 2012. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Jeon-Hyung Kang. "Asking Questions of Targeted Strangers on Social Networks," in Proceedings of CSCW 2012, Bellevue, WA, February 11-15, 2012. pp. 999-1003 (pdf) Jeffrey Bardzell, Jeffrey Nichols, Tyler Pace, Shaowen Bardzell. "Come Meet Me At Ulduar: Progression Raiding in Word of Warcraft," in Proceedings of CSCW 2012, Bellevue, WA, February 11-15, 2012. pp. 603-612 (pdf) Stephen Oney, John J. Barton, Brad A. Myers, Tessa Lau, Jeffrey Nichols. "Playbook: Revision Control & Comparison for Interactive Mockups," in Proceedings of International Symposium on End-User Development, Torre Canne, Italy June 7-10. (pdf) Tessa Lau, Julian Cerruti, Guillermo Manzato, Mateo Bengualid, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Jeffrey Nichols. "A Conversational Interface to Web Automation," in Proceedings of UIST 2010, New York, NY, October 3-6, 2010. pp. 229-238 (pdf) Ian Li, Jeffrey Nichols, Tessa Lau, Clemens Drews, Allen Cypher. "Here's What I Did: Sharing and Reusing Web Activity with ActionShot," In Proceedings of CHI 2010. pp. 723-732 (pdf) Jeffrey P. Bigham, Ryan Kaminsky, Jeffrey Nichols. "Mining Web Interactions to Automatically Create Mash-Ups," In Proceedings of UIST 2009. pp. 203-212 (pdf) Tessa Lau, Clemens Drews, and Jeffrey Nichols. "Interpreting Written How-To Instructions," In Proceedings of IJCAI 2009. pp. 1433-1438 (pdf) Heather Wiltse, Jeffrey Nichols. "PlayByPlay: Collaborative Web Browsing for Desktop and Mobile Devices," In Proceedings of CHI 2009. Boston, MA. April 4-9. pp. 1781-1790. (pdf) James Lin, Jeffrey Wong, Allen Cypher, Jeffrey Nichols, Tessa Lau. "End-User Programming of Mashups with Vegemite," In Proceedings of IUI 2009. Sanibel Island, Florida. February 8-11. pp. 97-106. (pdf) Jeffrey P. Bigham, Tessa Lau, Jeffrey Nichols. "TrailBlazer: Enabling Blind Users to Blaze Trails Through the Web," In Proceedings of IUI 2009. Sanibel Island, Florida. February 8-11. pp. 177-186. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Zhigang Hua, John Barton. "Highlight: A System for Creating and Deploying Mobile Web Applications," in Proceedings of UIST'2008. Monterey, CA. October 19-22. pp. 249-258. (pdf) Jeffrey S. Pierce, Jeffrey Nichols. "An Infrastructure for Building Applications That Span Multiple Personal Devices," in Proceedings of UIST'2008. Monterey, CA. October 19-22. pp. 101-110. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Tessa Lau. "Mobilization by Demonstration: Using Traces to Re-author Existing Web Sites," In Proceedings of IUI'2008. Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain. January 13-16. pp. 149-158. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Duen Horng Chau, Brad A. Myers. "Demonstrating the Viability of Automatically Generated User Interfaces," In Proceedings of CHI'2007. San Jose, CA. April 28-May 3. pp. 1283-1292 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brandon Rothrock, Duen Horng Chau, Brad A. Myers. "Huddle: Automatically Generating Interfaces for Systems of Multiple Connected Appliances," In Proceedings of UIST'2006. October 15-18. Montreux, Switzerland. pp 279-288 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Brandon Rothrock. "UNIFORM: Automatically Generating Consistent Remote Control User Interfaces," In Proceedings of CHI'2006. April 22-26. Montreal, Canada. pp. 611-620 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, and Kevin Litwack. "Improving Automatic Interface Generation with Smart Templates," In Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2004. Funchal, Portugal. January 13-16. pp. 286-288 paper: (pdf) poster: (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers. "Studying The Use Of Handhelds to Control Smart Appliances," In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS '03). Providence, RI. May 19-22, 2003. pp. 274-279 (pdf) Brad A. Myers, Jeffrey Nichols, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Kevin Litwack, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Mathilde Pignol. "Handheld Devices for Control," in Human-Computer Interaction Consortium (HCIC'2003), Winter Park, CO, Feb 5-9, 2003. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Kevin Litwack. "Personal Universal Controllers: Controlling Complex Appliances With GUIs and Speech," In Extended Abstracts of CHI'2003, April 5-10. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. pp. 624-625 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Mathilde Pignol. "Generating Remote Control Interfaces for Complex Appliances," In Proceedings of UIST'2002, Paris, France. Oct 27-30. pp. 161-170 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brad Myers, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Stefanie Shriver, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes. "Requirements for Automatically Generating Multi-Modal Interfaces for Complex Appliances," In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, October 14-16, 2002. Pittsburgh, PA. pp. 377-382 (pdf) Brad Myers, Robert Malkin, Michael Bett, Alex Waibel, Ben Bostwick, Robert C. Miller, Jie Yang, Matthias Denecke, Edgar Seemann, Jie Zhu, Choon Hong Peck, Dave Kong, Jeffrey Nichols, Bill Scherlis. "Flexi-modal and Multi-Machine User Interfaces," In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, October 14-16, 2002. Pittsburgh, PA. pp. 343-348 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Darren Gergle, and Jodi Forlizzi. "Mediator and Medium: Doors as Interruption Gateways and Aesthetic Displays" In Proceedings of DIS'2002, London, UK. June 25-28. pgs 379-386. paper: (pdf) poster: (pdf) Brad A. Myers, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Sunny Yang, Brian Yeung, Jeffrey Nichols, and Robert Miller. "Using Handhelds to Help People with Motor Impairments". In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCAPH's 5th International Conference on Assistive Technologies (ASSETS '02), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 8-10 2002. pp. 89-96 (pdf) Brad A. Myers, Rishi Bhatnagar, Jeffrey Nichols, Choon Hong Peck, Dave Kong, Robert Miller, and A. Chris Long. "Interacting At a Distance: Measuring the Performance of Laser Pointers and Other Devices". In Proceedings of CHI'2002. Minneapolis, MN. April 20-25 pp. 33-40 (pdf) Brad A. Myers, Choon Hong Peck, Jeffrey Nichols, Dave Kong, and Robert Miller. "Interacting At a Distance Using Semantic Snarfing," In Proceedings of Ubicomp 2001. Sept 30-Oct 2, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 305-314. (pdf) Greg J. Badros, Jeffrey Nichols, and Alan Borning. "Scwm: An Extensible Constraint-Enabled Window Manager", In Proceedings of Freenix track of USENIX Technical Conference. Boston, June 2001. (pdf) Greg Badros, Jeffrey Nichols and Alan Borning, "Scwm--An Intelligent Constraint-Enabled Window Manager", AAAI Spring Symposium on Smart Graphics, March 2000 (pdf) Journal PapersGale Lucas, Jonathan Gratch, Nikolaos Malandrakis, Evan Szablowski, Eli Fessler and Jeffrey Nichols. "GOAALLL!: Using Sentiment in the World Cup to Explore Theories of Emotion," in Image and Vision Computing. Volume 65, September 2017, Pages 58-65 (pay site) Kyumin Lee, Jalal Mahmud, Jilin Chen, Michelle Zhou, Jeffrey Nichols. "Who Will Retweet This? Detecting Strangers from Twitter to Retweet Information," ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technologies (TIST), Vol. 6, Issue 3, Article 31. April 2015. (pdf) Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols, Clemens Drews. "Home Location Identification of Twitter Users," ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technologies (TIST), Vol. 5, Issue 3, Article 47. July 2014. (pdf) Saleema Amershi, Jalal Mahmud, Jeffrey Nichols, Tessa Lau, German Attanasio Ruiz. "Live Action: Automating Web Task Model Generation," ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), Vol. 3, Issue 3, Article 14. October 2013. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers. "Creating a Lightweight User Interface Description Language: An Overview and Analysis of the Personal Universal Controller Project," In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Volume 16, Issue 4, Article 17. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers. "Controlling Home and Office Appliances Using Smartphones". In IEEE Pervasive Computing, July-September 2006. pp. 60-67 (pdf) Brad A. Myers, Jeffrey Nichols, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Robert C. Miller. "Taking Handheld Devices to the Next Level." IEEE Computer. December 2004. pp 40-47. (pdf) DissertationJeffrey Nichols. Automatically Generating High-Quality User Interfaces for Appliances, December 2006. (high-res pdf, low-res pdf) Workshop PapersAllen Cypher, Tessa Lau, Jeffrey Nichols, Mira Dontcheva. "Workshop on End User Programming on the Web" in Extended Abstracts of CHI 2009. April 3-9. Boston, MA. pp. 4779-4782. (pdf) Kai Richter, Jeffrey Nichols, Krzysztof Gajos, Ahmed Seffah. "The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-Platform Design" in Extended Proceedings of CHI'2006. April 22-23. Montreal, Canada. pp. 1639-1642. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols and Andrew Faulring. "Automatic Interface Generation and Future User Interface Tools", In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Future of User Interface Design Tools at CHI 2005. April 4. Portland, OR. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols and Brad A. Myers. "Generating Consistent User Interfaces for Appliances", In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces at Intelligent User Interfaces 2005. January 9. San Diego, CA. pp. 9-10 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols. "Automatically Generating User Interfaces for Appliances", In UIST 2004 Conference Companion, October 24-27, 2004. Santa Fe, NM. pp 71-74 paper: (pdf) poster: (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Kevin Litwack, Michael Higgins, Joseph Hughes, Thomas K. Harris. "Describing Appliance User Interfaces Abstractly with XML," In Workshop on Developing User Interfaces with XML: Advances on User Interface Description Languages, 2004, 25 May, Gallipoli, Italy. pp. 9-16 (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols. "Automatically Generating User Interfaces for Appliances," in Advances of Pervasive Computing edited by Alois Ferscha, Horst Hortner, and Gabriele Kotsis. April 18, 2004. pp. 105-110. (pdf) Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, and Rob Miller. .Personal Interfaces in Ubiquitous Environments,. in Proceedings of the CHI.2001 Workshop on Building the Ubiquitous Computing Experience. Seattle, WA. (html) Technical ReportsBrad A. Myers, Jeff Nichols, Rob Miller. "User Interfaces that Span Hand-Held and Fixed Devices" Workshop on Distributed and Disappearing User Interfaces in Ubiquitous Computing at CHI'2001, Seattle, WA. Albrecht Schmidt, Peter Ljundgstrand, and Anind Dey, editors. University of Karlsruhe Faculty of Information Technical Report 2001-6. ISSN 1432-7864. (html) PatentsSearch USPTO for Jeffrey William Nichols US8893004. Clemens Drews, Jeffrey Nichols. User interface proxy method and system. Issued November 18, 2014. US8078694. John Barton, Zhigang Hua, Jeffrey Nichols. Browser-based proxy server for customization and distribution of existing applications. Issued December 13, 2011. US7899847. Tessa Ann Lau, Jeffrey Nichols. System and method for authoring new lightweight web applications using application traces on existing websites. Issued March 1, 2011. US7664862. John Barton, Zhigang Hua, Jeffrey Nichols. Browser-based proxy server for customization and distribution of existing applications. Issued February 16, 2010. Talks* For a time, I posted my public talks on SlideShare. Analyzing the Quality of Information Solicited from Targeted Strangers on Social Media, CSCW'2013. San Antonio, TX. February 26, 2013. (pdf) Asking Questions of Targeted Strangers on Social Networks, CSCW'2012. Bellevue, WA. February 13, 2012. (pdf) Reauthoring User Interfaces, University of Rochester. October 1, 2010. (pdf) Creating a Lightweight User Interface Description Language: An Overview and Analysis of the Personal Universal Controller Project, CHI'2010. Atlanta, Georgia. April 15, 2010. (ppt) Highlight: A System for Creating and Deploying Mobile Web Applications, UIST'2008. Monterey, California. October 22, 2008. (ppt) Mobilization by Demonstration: Using Traces to Re-author Existing Web Sites, IUI'2008. Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain. January 15, 2008. (zip) Huddle and Information Triggers: Helping Users Automate Complex and Temporally-Distant Tasks, Berkeley Institute of Design Seminar. Berkeley, CA. June 14, 2007. (ppt) Demonstrating the Viability of Automatically Generated User Interfaces, CHI'2007. San Jose, CA. May 3, 2007. (ppt) Automatically Generating High-Quality User Interfaces for Appliances, Thesis Defense. Pittsburgh, PA. December 1, 2006. (ppt) Huddle: Automatically Generating Interfaces for Systems of Multiple Connected Appliances, at UIST'2006. Montreux, Switzerland. October 18, 2006. (ppt) UNIFORM: Automatically Generating Consistent Remote Control User Interfaces, at CHI'2006. Montreal, Canada. April 25, 2006. (ppt) Model-Based UIs & Automatic Generation, Workshop on the Future of User Interface Design Tools at CHI 2005. (ppt) Generating Consistent Interfaces for Appliances, Second Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I) at Intelligent User Interfaces 2005. January 9, 2005. (ppt) Automatically Generating High-Quality User Interfaces for Appliances, UIST 2004 Doctoral Colloquium. October 24, 2004. Santa Fe, NM. (ppt) Describing Appliance User Interfaces Abstractly with XML, Workshop on Developing User Interfaces with XML: Advances on User Interface Description Langauges. May 25, 2004. Gallipoli, Italy. (ppt) Automatically Generating High-Quality User Interfaces for Appliances, Pervasive 2004 Doctoral Colloquium. April 18, 2004. Linz, Austria. (ppt) Automatically Generating High-Quality User Interfaces for Appliances, Thesis Proposal Presentation, April 14, 2004. (ppt) Automatically Generating Interfaces for Multi-Device Environments, Workshop on Multi-Device Interfaces for Peripheral Interaction at the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. Seattle, WA. October 12, 2003. (ppt) The Personal Universal Controller and .NET CF, Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, Redmond, Wa. July 2003 (ppt) Studying The Use of Handhelds to Control Smart Appliances, International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing, Providence, RI. May 19, 2003. (ppt) Personal Universal Controllers: Controlling Complex Interfaces With GUIs and Speech, CHI 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. April 8, 2003. (ppt) Generating Remote Control Interfaces for Complex Appliances, UIST 2002, Paris, France. October 30, 2002. (ppt) Requirements for Automatically Generating Interfaces for Complex Appliances, ICMI 2002, Pittsburgh, PA. October 15, 2002. (ppt) Speaking Requirement Talk, HCII August 2002. (ppt) Using Handhelds to Help People with Motor Impairments, ASSETS'2002, Edinburgh, Scotland. July 9, 2002. (ppt) Handheld Computers in Higher-Education, Slippery Rock University September 2001. (ppt) Speaking Requirement Talk, HCII August 2001. (ppt) Press
Robert McMillan. IBM Slims Down the Web for Your
Phone, IDG News Service. July 11, 2008.
(local pdf)
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